



NAME AND SURNAME:  Orlando Borrás - Hidalgo.


DATE OF BIRTH: February 11, 1970.




PROFESSION: Agronomist Engineer. University of Ciego de Avila


SCIENTIFIC DEGREES: Philosophical Doctor.


PRESENT POSITION: Senior Scientist. Head of Functional Genomic Department. Titular Member of the Cuban Academic of SciencePlant Division. Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB). P.O. Box 6162. Havana 10600. Cuba

Phone +53 7 2716022; Ext. 3151

Fax. +53 7 273 1779

E-mail. orlando.borras@cigb.edu.cu



电话:+53 7 2716022分机 3151

传真:+53 7 273 1779

E-mail. orlando.borras@cigb.edu.cu



  • Phytopathology 植物病理学

  • Molecular plant - pathogen interaction 分子植物-病原互作

  • Molecular diagnosis 分子诊断

  • Genetic Engineering 遗传工程

  • Molecular Biology分子生物学

  • Biochemistry 生物化学

  • Bioinformatics 生物信息学

  • Functional Genomic功能基因组学



  • Bioinformatics (Cuba). 生物信息学(古巴)

  • Training on identification and characterization of phytotoxins produced by fungi (Cuba). Multivariate Statistical Methods (Cuba).真菌产植物毒素的分离和鉴定培训(古巴)多变量统计学方法(古巴)

  • English Courses: Tryout I and II; Listen to it and Sofropedic (Cuba). 英语课程

  • Training on Tissue Culture. Bananas and Pineapple Micropropagation (Cuba). 组织培养,香蕉和菠萝组织培养(古巴)

  • Training on pineapple - Fusarium subglutinans interaction (Brazil). 菠萝-顶腐镰刀菌互作培训(巴西)

  • Course on automatic systems to analyse of histological cuts (Cuba). 组织学自动分析系统课程(古巴)

  • Course on plant molecular biology methods: Employment and Prospect (Cuba). 植物分子生物学方法:应用与展望(古巴)

  • Training on early selection of Fusarium wilt resistance in bananas (Brazil). 香蕉萎蔫病抗性的早期筛选培训(巴西)

  • Biometry and Experimental design (Cuba). 生物统计与试验设计(古巴)

  • International Course on Molecular Biology in the Medicine (Cuba). 医药分子生物学(古巴)

  • Post Ph. D.  Molecular Plant Pathology (UK). Supervision: Prof. Paul Birch 2001 博士后:分子植物病理学(英国)监督教授:Paul Birch教授,2001

  • Post Ph. D.  Molecular Plant Pathology (Netherlands). Supervision: Prof. Pierre de Wit, Prof. Bart Thomma 2004博士后:分子植物病理学(荷兰)监督教授:Pierre de Wit教授和Bart Thomma教授,2004

  • Course on real time PCR (Cuba). PCR课程(古巴)

  • Post Ph. D.  Molecular Plant Pathology (Netherlands). Supervision: Prof. Pierre de Wit, Prof. Bart Thomma 2006博士后:分子植物病理学(荷兰)监督教授:Pierre de Wit教授和Bart Thomma教授,2006

  • Post Ph. D.  Molecular Plant Pathology (Switzerland). Supervision: Prof. Jean Pierre Metraux 2008博士后:分子植物病理学(瑞士)监督教授:Jean Pierre Metraux教授,2008

  • Post Ph. D.  Molecular Plant Pathology (Japan). Supervision: Dr. Ryohei Terauchi 2010博士后:分子植物病理学(日本)监督教授:Ryohei Terauchi教授,2010

  • Post Ph. D.  Molecular Plant Pathology (Italy). Supervision: Prof. Felice Cervone 2011博士后:分子植物病理学(意大利)监督教授:Felice Cervone教授,2011

  • Post Ph. D.  Molecular Plant Pathology (EUA). Supervision: Prof. Jonathan Walton 2012博士后:分子植物病理学(欧盟)监督教授:Jonathan Walton教授,2012

  • Post Ph. D.  Molecular Plant Pathology (EUA). Supervision: Prof. Roger Innes 2012博士后:分子植物病理学(欧盟)监督教授:Roger Innes教授,2012

  • Post Ph. D.  Molecular Plant Pathology (Switzerland). Supervision: Prof. Jean Pierre Metraux 2012博士后:分子植物病理学(瑞士)监督教授:Jean Pierre Metraux教授,2012

  • Post Ph. D.  Molecular Plant Pathology (EUA). Supervision: Prof. Jonathan Walton 2014博士后:分子植物病理学(欧盟)监督教授:Jonathan Walton 教授2014



Web of Science:



Canales E, Coll Y, Hernández I, Portieles R, Rodríguez M, López Y, Aranguren M, Luis M, Batista L, Rodríguez M, Pujol M, Ochagavia ME, Falcón V, Terauchi R, Matsumura H, Ayra C, Llauger R, Pérez MC, Borrusch M, Walton J, Borroto C, Borrás-Hidalgo O. Effective control of citrus Huanglongbing, using brassinosteroid. Plos One, in press. IF: 3.534

使用油菜素甾醇控制柑橘黄龙病的有效方法研究.公共科学图书馆期刊, 出版中,影响因子(IF):3.534(注:数值越大表明在专业领域的影响力越大,一般高于5就是非常好的论文了)

Perera Y, Pedroso S, Borrás-Hidalgo O, Vázquez D, Miranda J, Villareal A, Falcón V, Cruz L, Farinas H, Perea S. Pharmacologic inhibition of the CK2-mediated phosphorylation of B23/npm in cancer cells selectively modulates genes related to protein translation, energetic metabolism and ribosomal biogenesis. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry,in press. IF: 2.388



Silva Y, Portieles R, López Y, Pujol M, Terauchi R, Matsumura H, Serrano M, Borrás-Hidalgo O. Expression of a microbial serine proteinase inhibitor gene enhances the tobacco defense against oomycete pathogens. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 84: 99-106, 2013. IF: 1.987

增强烟草对卵菌抵抗能力的微生物源丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂的表达研究.生理与分子病理学, 84: 99-106, 2013. IF: 1.987.

Moran Y, Chacón O, Cordova-Selles MC, Dominguez-Larrinaga R, Herrera L, Borrás-Hidalgo O. Identification and molecular characterization of Nocardia sp. as a new causal agent of tobacco false broomrape. Journal of Phytopathology, 161: 86-91, 2013. IF: 0.921

诺卡氏菌作为一种新的烟草假肉苁蓉的病原因子的分子鉴定.植物病理学报, 161: 86-91, 2013. IF: 0.921.


Borrás-Hidalgo O, Caprari C, De Lorenzo G, F Cervone. A gene for plant protection: expression of a bean polygalacturonase inhibitor in tobacco confers a strong resistance against fungi and oomycetes. Frontiers in Plant Science,3: 268, 1-6, 2012. IF: 3.600

一种植物抗性基因:一个来自豆类的对真菌和卵菌具有较强抑制作用的多聚半乳糖醛酸酶抑制剂在烟草中的表达研究.植物科学前沿, 3: 268, 1-6, 2012. IF: 3.600


González M, Pujol M, Metraux JP, González-García V, Bolton M, Borrás-Hidalgo O.Tobacco leaf spot and root rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn.Molecular Plant Pathology, 12: 209-216, 2011. IF: 4.485

由立枯丝核菌引起的烟草花叶病和根腐病的研究.分子植物病理学, 209-216, 2011. IF: 4.485


Borrás-Hidalgo O, Thomma B, Silva Y, Chacon O, Pujol M. Tobacco blue mould disease caused by Peronospora hyoscyami f. sp. tabacina. Molecular Plant Pathology, 11: 13-18, 2010. IF: 4.485

由烟霜霉病菌引起的烟草青霉病研究.分子植物病理学, 11: 13-18, 2010. IF: 4.485

Chacón O, González M, López Y, Portieles R, Pujol M, González E, Schoonbeek HJ, Metraux JP,Borrás-Hidalgo O. Over-expression of a protein kinase gene enhances the defense of tobacco against Rhizoctonia solani.Gene, 452: 54-62, 2010. IF: 2.082

通过蛋白激酶基因的过表达增强烟草对立枯丝核菌的抗性研究.基因, 452: 54-62, 2010. IF: 2.082

Portieles R, Ayra C, González E, Gallo A, Rodríguez R, Chacon O, López Y, Rodriguez M, Castillo J, Pujol M, Enriquez G, Borroto C, Trujillo L, Thomma B, Borrás-Hidalgo O. NmDef02, a novel antimicrobial gene isolated from Nicotiana megalosiphon confers high-level pathogen resistance under greenhouse and field conditions.Plant Biotechnology Journal,8: 678-690, 2010. IF: 5.677

分离自Nicotiana megalosiphon的特定抗微生物基因NmDef02在温室和大田环境中的高活性抗菌性研究.植物生物技术杂志, 8: 678-690, 2010. IF: 5.677

Rodríguez-Cabrera L, D Trujillo-Bacallao, Borrás-HidalgoO, DJ Wright, C Ayra-Pardo. RNAi-mediated knockdown of a Spodoptera frugiperda trypsin-like serine-protease gene reduces susceptibilityto a Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ca1 protoxin.Environmental Microbiology, 12: 2894-2903, 2010. IF: 6.24

通过RNAi介导的基因敲低类胰蛋白酶丝氨酸蛋白酶基因来降低苏云金芽孢杆菌Cry1Ca1毒素的敏感性的方法.环境微生物学, 12: 2894-2903, 2010. IF: 6.24

Pérez-Vicente L, Martínez-de la Parte E, Pérez-Miranda M, Martín-Triana EL, Borrás-Hidalgo O, I Hernandez-Estévez. First report of Asian rust of soybean caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi in Cuba. Plant Pathology, 59: 803, 2010. IF: 2.969

古巴,由大豆锈病菌引起的亚洲大豆锈病的首份研究报告.植物病理学, 59: 803, 2010. IF: 2.969

Pérez-Vicente  L, EL Martín-Triana, F Barroso, E. Martínez-de la Parte, Borrás-Hidalgo O, I Hernández Estévez. Definitive identification of orange rust of sugarcane caused by Puccinia kuehnii in Cuba. Plant Pathology, 59: 804, 2010. IF: 2.969

由水蜈蚣柄锈菌引起的古巴甘蔗桔锈病最终鉴定.植物病理学, 59: 804, 2010. IF: 2.969


Chacón O, I Hernández, R Portieles, Y López, M Pujol, Borrás-Hidalgo O. Identification of defense-related genes in tobacco responding to black shank disease.Plant Science,177: 175-180, 2009. IF: 4.114

烟草黑胫病防御相关基因的鉴定.植物科学, 177: 175-180, 2009. IF: 4.114

Hernández I, Chacón O, Rodriguez R, Portieles R, López Y, Pujol M, Borrás-Hidalgo O. Black shank resistant tobacco by silencing of glutathione S-transferase.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 387: 300-304, 2009. IF: 2.281

通过静默谷胱甘肽S-转移酶增强烟草黑胫病抗性研究.生物化学与生物物理研究通讯, 387: 300-304, 2009. IF: 2.281


Trujillo LE, M Sotolongo, C Menéndez, I Hernández, Y Coll, ME Ochogavía, Borrás-Hidalgo O, B Thomma, P Vera, L Hernández. Integration of different stress signals determine the expression pattern in sugarcane of SodERF3, a new ethylene responsive factor (ERF) that enhances salt and drought tolerance in transgenic tobacco plants. Plant Cell and Physiology, 49: 512-525, 2008. IF: 4.978

不同胁迫信号决定了甘蔗soderf3的表达模式,提高转基因烟草的耐盐、耐旱等耐受性的一种新的乙烯响应因子的研究.植物细胞与生理学, 49: 512-525, 2008. IF: 4.978

Rodríguez-Cabrera L, D Trujillo-Bacallao, Borrás-Hidalgo O, DJ Wright, C Ayra-Pardo. Molecular characterization of Spodoptera frugiperda - Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ca toxin interaction.Toxicon, 51: 681-692, 2008. IF: 2.581

草地夜蛾-苏云金芽孢杆菌Cry1Ca毒素的相互作用的分子特征.毒素, 51: 681-692, 2008. IF: 2.581

Bolton MD, van Esse HP, Vossen JH, de Jonge R, Stergiopoulos I, Stulemeijer IJ, van den Berg GC, Borrás-Hidalgo O, Dekker HL, de Koster CG, de Wit PJ, Joosten MH, BP Thomma . The novel Cladosporium fulvum lysin motif effector Ecp6 is a virulence factor with orthologues in other fungal species.Molecular Microbiology, 69: 119-136, 2008. IF: 5.026

来自番茄叶霉病菌的赖氨酸基序因子Ecp6与其他真菌物种的同源基因的毒力因子研究.分子微生物学, 69: 119-136, 2008. IF: 5.026


Gilroy E, Hein I, van der Hoorn R, Boevink P, Venter E, McLellan H, Kaffarnik F, Hrubikova K, Shaw J, Holeva M, Canales E, Borrás-Hidalgo O, Pritchard L, Loake G, Lacomme C, P Birch. Involvement of Cathepsin B in the plant disease resistance hypersensitive response.The Plant Journal, 52: 1-13, 2007. IF: 6.815

参与植物抗病性过敏反应组织蛋白酶B的研究.植物杂志, 52: 1-13, 2007. IF: 6.815


Borrás-Hidalgo O, B Thomma, C Collazo, O Chacón, CJ Borroto, C Ayra, R Portieles, Y López, M Pujol. EIL2 transcription factor and glutathione synthetase are required for defense of tobacco against tobacco blue mold. Molecular Plant - Microbe Interaction, 19: 399 - 406, 2006. IF: 4.455

EIL2转录因子和谷胱甘肽合成酶对烟草霜霉病的抗性研究.分子植物-微生物相互作用, 19: 399 - 406, 2006. IF: 4.455

Rodríguez M, E Canales, CJ Borroto, E Carmona, J López, M Pujol, Borrás-Hidalgo O. Identification of genes induced upon water-deficit stress in a drought tolerant rice cultivar.Journal of Plant Physiology, 163: 577- 584, 2006. IF: 2.77

耐旱水稻品种水分胁迫诱导基因的鉴定.植物生理学杂志, 163: 577- 584, 2006. IF: 2.77

Collazo C, PL Ramos, O Chacón, CJ Borroto, Y López, M Pujol, B Thomma, I Hein, Borrás-Hidalgo O. Phenotypical and molecular characterization of the tomato mottle taino virus - Nicotiana megalosiphon interaction.Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 67: 231 - 236, 2006. IF: 1.987

麦格隆熄丰烟与番茄斑驳泰诺病毒的相互作用的表型和分子鉴定.生理与分子植物病理学, 67: 231 - 236, 2006. IF: 1.987


Borrás-Hidalgo O, B Thomma, E Carmona, CJ Borroto, M Pujol, A Arencibia, J López. Identification of sugarcane genes induced in disease-resistant somaclones upon inoculation with Ustilago scitaminea or Bipolaris sacchari.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 43: 1115 - 1121, 2005. IF: 2.352

接种甘蔗黑穗病菌或二极霉诱导甘蔗体细胞无性系抗病性的基因鉴定.植物生理与生物化学, 43: 1115 - 1121, 2005. IF: 2.352


Carmona E, Vargas D,  Borroto CJ, Lopez J, Fernández AI, Arencibia A, Borrás-Hidalgo O.cDNA - AFLP analysis of differential gene expression during sugarcane - Puccinia melanocephala interaction.Plant Breeding, 123: 499 - 501, 2004. IF: 1.338

使用cDNA – AFLP分析方法对黑顶柄锈菌和甘蔗互作过程中的基因表达异同分析.植物育种, 123: 499 - 501, 2004. IF: 1.338


Companioni B, Arbola M, Rodríguez Y, Mosqueda M, Pérez MC, Borrás-Hidalgo O,  Lorenzo JC, R Santos. Use of culture-derived Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense, race 1 filtrates for rapid and non-destructive in vitro differentiation between resistant and susceptible clones of field-grown banana.Euphytica,130: 341 - 347, 2003. IF: 1.692

使用尖孢镰刀菌古巴变种的滤液快速而非破坏性的对田间种植的香蕉进行抗性与否的鉴定方法.植物育种, 130: 341 - 347, 2003. IF: 1.692


Rodríguez Y, Mosqueda M, Companioni B, Arzola M, Borrás-Hidalgo O, Perez MC, Lorenzo JC, R Santos. Bioassay for in vitro differentiation of pineapple cultivar resistance levels to heart rot disease.In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant, 38: 613 - 616, 2002. IF: 1.162

菠萝心腐病抗性水平分化的离体研究.体外细胞和发育生物学-植物, 38: 613 - 616, 2002. IF: 1.162


Borrás-Hidalgo O, Santos R,  Matos A, Cabral R,  M Arzola. A first attempt to use of Fusarium subglutinans culture filtrate for the selection of pineapple cultivars resistant to fusariose disease.Plant Breeding, 120: 435 - 438, 2001. IF: 1.338

使用顶腐病菌培养过滤液进行菠萝顶腐病抗性筛选的首次尝试试验.植物育种, 120: 435 - 438, 2001. IF: 1.338


Borrás-Hidalgo O, Matos A, Cabral R, Tapia R,  Arzola M, Santos R, M Pérez. Phytotoxicity of Fusarium subglutinans culture filtrate on in vitro plantlets and callus in pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.).Plant Pathology, 48: 756 - 758, 1999. IF: 2.969

顶腐病菌培养滤液对试管苗和愈伤组织对菠萝植物毒性研究.植物病理学, 48: 756 - 758, 1999. IF: 2.969


Borrás-Hidalgo O, Matos A, Cabral R, Tapia R,  Arzola M, Santos R, M Pérez. Phytotoxic effect of culture filtrates from Fusarium subglutinans the causal agent of fusariose of Pineapple (Ananas comosus, L. Merr).Euphytica, 104: 73 - 77, 1998. IF: 1.692

来自于顶腐病菌培养液的植物毒素对菠萝顶腐病的作用研究.植物育种, 104: 73 - 77, 1998. IF: 1.692

Others Publications:其它出版物


Rodríguez M, Moreno MA, Cristo E, Oliva O, Pujol M, Borrás-Hidalgo O. Identification of genes with altered expression levels in contrasting rice cultivars exposed to salt stress treatments. Biotecnologia Aplicada, 30: 178-181, 2013

盐胁迫下水稻基因表达水平的比较研究.应用生物技术, 30: 178-181, 2013


Borrás-Hidalgo O, Chacón O, González M, Portieles R, González E, Pujo M. High protection of protein kinase NtPK against the phytopatogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani. Biotecnologia  Aplicada, 29: 279-281, 2012

植物病原真菌立枯丝核菌高效作用的蛋白激酶ntpk研究.应用生物技术, 29: 279-281, 2012


Portieles R, Ayra C, González E, Gallo A, Rodríguez R, Chacon O, López Y, Rodriguez M, Castillo J, Pujol M, Enriquez G, Borroto C, Trujillo L, Thomma B, Borrás-Hidalgo O. High level resistance to phytopathogenic fungi and oomycetes conferred by the use of a novel anti-microbial peptide. Biotecnologia Aplicada, 28: 262-264, 2011

对植物病原真菌和卵菌高抗性的抗菌肽研究.应用生物技术,  28: 262-264, 2011


Hernández I, Borrás-Hidalgo O , Chacón O, Pujol M, López Y, Rodrígues R, Portieles R. Demonstration by RNA interference of a new molecular mechanism for resistance to an oomycete in tobacco plants. Biotecnologia Aplicada,  27: 242-244, 2010

通过RNA干涉展示技术揭示了烟草植物对卵菌抗性的一种新的分子机制.应用生物技术, 27: 242-244, 2010


Trujillo LE, Menéndez C, Ochogavía ME, Hernández I, Borrás-Hidalgo O, Rodríguez R, Coll Y, Arrieta JG, Banguela A, Ramírez R, Hernández L. Engineering drought and salt tolerance in plants using SodERF3, a novel sugarcane ethylene responsive factor. Biotecnologia Aplicada, 26: 168-171, 2009

一种新的乙烯响应因子SodERF3在干旱和盐胁迫下的研究.应用生物技术, 26: 168-171, 2009

Pérez S, Cabezas D, Chacón O, Valera E, Borrás-Hidalgo O, León O. Expresión de cuatro genes de defensa en dos variedades de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) frente al virus de mosaico del tabaco (TMV). Revista de Protección Vegetal,  24: 29-34, 2009

防御基因在两个品种的烟草病毒、烟草花叶病毒中的表达研究.植物保护学报, 24: 29-34, 2009


de Wit PJGM, Stergiopoulos II, van ‘t Klooster JW, Peter van Esse H., Fradin EF, Ellendorff U, Gabriëls SHEJ, Stulemeijer IJE, Bolton MD, Borrás-Hidalgo O, Tameling WI L, Abd-El-Haliem AM, van den Berg-Velthuis GCM, Vervoort J, Boeren S, Joosten MH AJ, and BPHJ Thomma. Effectors, their targets and host responses in the pathosystem Cladosporium fulvum-tomato.Biology of Plant-Microbe Interactions, 6, 2008

在番茄叶霉病和番茄互作系统中的影响因子、作用靶点和寄主响应研究.植物-微生物互作, 6, 2008

González M.C., Rodríguez M., Pérez N., Cristo E., López Y., Canales E., Borrás-Hidalgo O. Cuban rice mutants obtained from protons radiations. Plant Mutation Reports, 2: 24-26, 2008

古巴大米质子诱变体的筛选.植物诱变报告, 2: 24-26, 2008

Silva Y, Muiño B, Chacon O, Crespo J, Borrás-Hidalgo O. Polimorfismo genetico de la region 1602 en seis aislamientos de Peronospora hyoscyami f. sp. tabacina (Adam), agente causal del moho azul del tabaco. Cuba Tabaco, 9: 29-36, 2008

在该地区的天仙子霜霉真菌和烟草霜霉病病原1602株基因多态性分析.古巴烟草, 9: 29-36, 2008


Collazo C., O. Chacón, Borrás-Hidalgo O. Programmed cell death in plants resembles apoptosis of animal. Biotecnología Aplicada, 23: 1-10, 2006

植物编程性死亡与动物细胞凋亡的类比研究.生物技术应用, 23: 1-10, 2006

Portieles R., C. Ayra, Borrás-Hidalgo O. Basic insight on plant defensins. Biotecnología Aplicada, 23: 75-78, 2006

植物防御素的初步研究.生物技术应用, 23: 75-78, 2006


Rodríguez M., Canales E., Borrás-Hidalgo O. Molecular aspects of abiotic stress in plants. Biotecnología Aplicada, 22: 1 - 10, 2005

植物非生物胁迫的分子生物学研究.生物技术应用, 22: 1 - 10, 2005

Hernández I., O. Chacón, R. Portieles, Borrás-Hidalgo O. Proteins and peptides for the control of phytopathogenic fungi. Biotecnología Aplicada, 22: 256-260, 2005

控制植物病原真菌的蛋白质和多肽研究.生物技术应用, 22: 256-260, 2005


Borrás-Hidalgo O. Basic insight in plant - pathogen interaction. Biotecnología Aplicada, 203: 2-6, 2003

植物与病原菌互作的初步研究.生物技术应用, 203: 2-6, 2003

Borrás-Hidalgo O. Functional genomics and bioinformatics an overview. Biotecnología Aplicada, 20: 183-188, 2003

功能基因组学和生物信息学研究进展. 生物技术应用, 20: 183-188, 2003


Isidrón M, Benega R, Cisneros A, Arias E, Pérez G, Santos R, Borrás-Hidalgo O, Espinosa P, Lorenzo JC, Martínez J, Hidalgo M, Carvajal C, Arencibia A, Borroto C. Application of biotechnology techniques in pineapple improvement in Cuba. Pineapple News Journal,  9: 26, 2002.

古巴菠萝生物技术研究.菠萝通讯杂志, 9: 26, 2002.

Santos R, Tapia R, Hernández M, Blanco M, Carvajal C, Borrás-Hidalgo O,González J, Peña LM. Approaches to improve pineapple resistance to fusariosis through involved microbial metabolites. Pineapple News Journal, 9: 27, 2002

通过包括微生物代谢产物的来提高菠萝对顶腐病菌的抗性研究.菠萝通讯杂志, 9: 27, 2002


Borrás-Hidalgo O, Matos A,  Cabral R, Tapia R,  Arzola M, Santos R, Pérez M. Early selection of resistance using phytotoxin produced by Fusarium subglutinans tha causal agent of fusariose of Pineapple (Ananas comosus, L. Merr). Pineapple News Journal, 6: 22, 1999

使用顶腐病菌产生的植物毒素初步筛选对顶腐病抗性的菠萝品种,菠萝通讯杂志, 6: 22, 1999


Companioni B,  Rodriguez R, Rodriguez Y, Borrás-Hidalgo O, Pérez MC, Becquer R. Influencia de la esterilizacion parcial del sustrato y su combinación con Trichoderma viride en la fase de adaptación de Syngonium sp. Cuadernos de Fitopatología,  58: 135-138, 1998

对基质进行部分灭菌和使用绿色木霉对合果芋属植物的影响,植物病理学, 58: 135-138, 1998

Rodríguez Y, Mosqueda M, Borrás-Hidalgo O, Pérez MC, Arzola M, Benegas R. Obtención de un medio de cultivo para el aislamiento, mantenimiento y crecimiento de Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica. Cuadernos de Fitopatología,  59: 175-177, 1998

疫霉菌生长和维护变种病菌的分离培养基研制, 植物病理学, 59: 175-177, 1998

Rodríguez Y, Borrás-Hidalgo O, Mosqueda M,  Companioni B, Cisneros A. Histopatología de callos de piña inoculados con Fusarium subglutinans en variedades resistentes y susceptibles. Cuadernos de Fitopatología,  59: 178-180, 1998

菠萝愈伤组织接种顶腐病抗、感病品种的组织病理学研究. 植物病理学, 59: 178-180, 1998

Mesa AC, Peréz O,  Borrás-Hidalgo O. Influencia del IC-10 como bioestimulante sobre el rendimiento de la piña. Revista Enlace,  4: 45-58, 1998

IC 10作为生物激活剂对菠萝产量的影响.Revista Enlace,  4: 45-58, 1998

Borrás-Hidalgo O, Matos A,  Cabral R, Tapia R,  Arzola M, Santos R, Pérez M. Influence of Fusarium subglutinans culture filtrate on pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) callus growth and plant regeneration.Pineapple News Journal,  5: 7-9, 1998

顶腐病菌培养液对菠萝顶尖生长和植物传代的影响.菠萝通讯杂志, 5: 7-9, 1998

Tapia R, Santos R,  Quincoses M, Peña LM, Borrás-Hidalgo O, Companioni B,  Blanco MA, González JL. Estandarización del proceso para la obtención de metabolitos de Fusarium subglutinans y su efecto en callos de piña. Cultivos Tropicales,  19: 51-55, 1998

顶腐病菌代谢物获得的标准方法和对菠萝的影响研究.Cultivos Tropicales,  19: 51-55, 1998


Borrás-Hidalgo O, Pérez M,  Rodríguez Y, Mosqueda M. Efecto fungostático de filtrados de Trichodrema viride sobre Fusarium subglutinans y Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica. Cuadernos de Fitopatología, 53: 93-94, 1997

绿色木霉滤液对胶孢镰刀菌烟草疫霉病菌变种的作用. Cuadernos de Fitopatología, 53: 93-94, 1997

Borrás-Hidalgo O, Pérez M,  Nogueiras J, Felix E,  Martín A, Rodríguez Y,  Mosqueda M. Empleo de Trichoderma sp. en el control de la pudrición de la piña causada por Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica. en segmentos de tallos. Cuadernos de Fitopatología,  54: 148-149, 1997  

使用木霉控制菠萝黑胫病菌的研究.Cuadernos de Fitopatología,  54: 148-149, 1997  

Borrás-Hidalgo O, Pérez M,  Santos R, Tapia R,  Rodríguez Y, Mosqueda M. Influencia de filtrados de cultivos de Fusarium subglutinans en vitroplantas de piña (Ananas comosus, L. Merril). Cuadernos de Fitopatología,  54: 150-152, 1997  

胶孢镰刀菌培养液对试管菠萝培养体的影响.Cuadernos de Fitopatología,  54: 150-152, 1997  

Borrás-Hidalgo O, Matos A,  Cabral R, Tapia R,  Arzola M, Santos R, Pérez M. Influencia de filtrados concentrados de Fusarium subglutinans sobre segmentos de hojas de la piña (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr). Cuadernos de Fitopatología,  55: 186-188, 1997

不同胶孢镰刀菌浓缩液对菠萝叶片的影响. Cuadernos de Fitopatología,  55: 186-188, 1997

Borrás-Hidalgo O, Pérez M,  Nogueiras J, Felix E,  Martín A, Rodríguez Y,  Mosqueda M. Control biológico de la pudrición de la piña causada por Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica. Revista Brasileña de Fruticultura, 19: 39-42, 1997

由烟草黑胫病菌变种引起菠萝腐烂病生物防治.Revista Brasileña de Fruticultura, 19: 39-42, 1997


Borrás-Hidalgo O, Pérez M,  Santos R, Tapia R,  Rodríguez Y, Mosqueda M. Empleo de técnicas conductimétricas en la selección de resistencia a Fusarium subglutinans en vitroplantas de piña. Revista Brasileña de Fruticultura, 18: 289-294, 1996

抗性电导测量技术对菠萝顶腐病选择抗性在菠萝试管苗的应用.Revista Brasileña de Fruticultura, 18: 289-294, 1996

Borrás-Hidalgo O, González R,  Concepción O, Cid M,  Nápoles L, Recio M, Escalante D, Escalona M, Trujillo R, Borroto C. Metodología para el control de las contaminaciones en el cultivo in vitro de plantas ornamentales. Cuadernos de Fitopatología, 51: 138-141, 1996

体外培养观赏植物的污染控制方法.Cuadernos de Fitopatología, 51: 138-141, 1996

Borrás-Hidalgo O, Pérez M,  Tapia R, Santos R. Influencia del bioprotector sobre la germinación, crecimiento y control del Damping - Off en el cultivo del tomate. Cuadernos de Fitopatología, 51: 142-144, 1996  

生物保护剂对番茄立枯病菌发芽、生长和控制的研究.Cuadernos de Fitopatología, 51: 142-144, 1996

Santos R, Portilla Y, Tapia R, Nieves N, Borrás-Hidalgo O, Companioni B, González J, Santiago Y, Velázquez Y. Biochemical changes on pineapple tissues caused by Fusarium moniliforme sf. subglutinans. Biotecnología Aplicada,  13: 141-142, 1996  

串珠镰刀菌变种引起菠萝组织的生化改变.Biotecnología Aplicada,  13: 141-142, 1996


Borrás-Hidalgo O, Companioni B,  Cisneros A, Santos R,  Arzola M, Tapia R. Influence of culture filtrate of Fusarium moniliforme sf. subglutinans on pineapple callus. Advances in Modern Biotechnology, 3: 4 - 6, 1995

串珠镰刀菌变种培养液对菠萝愈伤组织的影响.Advances in Modern Biotechnology, 3: 4 - 6, 1995

Santos R, Portilla Y,  Tapia R, Nieves N,  Borrás-Hidalgo O, Companioni B,  González J, Santiago Y,  Velásquez. Biochemical changes on pineapple tissues caused by Fusarium moniliforme sf. subglutinans. Advances in Modern Biotechnology, 3: 2-4, 1995

串珠镰刀菌变种引起菠萝组织的生化改变.Advances in Modern Biotechnology, 3: 2-4, 1995


Pérez M, Borrás-Hidalgo O,  Arzola M. Algunos aspectos de la biología de Chalara paradoxa en el cultivo de la piña. Centro Agrícola, 2: 21-22, 1994

菠萝栽培过程中关于Chalara paradoxa几个方面的生物学研究.Centro Agrícola, 2: 21-22, 1994

Pérez M, Borrás-Hidalgo O,  Matos AP, Arzola M, Rodríguez Y. Reporte de Fusarium subglutinans en el cultivo de la piña. Centro Agrícola, 2: 88-89, 1994

菠萝栽培中的顶腐病菌研究.Centro Agrícola, 2: 88-89, 1994


Borrás-Hidalgo O, Santos R. The pineapple-Fusarium subglutinans interaction: an early selection system for disease resistance. Book: Mass Screening Techniques for Selecting Crops Resistant to Disease. Joint FAO/IAEA Division. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2010


Gonzalez MC, Perez N, Rodriguez M, Borrás-Hidalgo O.Development of salinity-tolerant rice varieties using biotechnological and nuclear techniques. Book: Induced Plant Mutations in the Genomics Era. Joint FAO/IAEA Division. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2009

生物技术和核技术在耐盐水稻开发中的应用(基因组学时代的诱导植物突变. 联合粮农组织/国际原子能机构司)


  1. Nucleic and amino acid sequences for the control of pathogen agents. US 8450559 B2

控制病原体的核酸和氨基酸序列研究.US 8450559 B2

2. Method for inducing resistance to diseases in plants.US 0171326 A1

诱导植物疾病抗性的方法. US 0171326 A1

3. Method for treatment of plant disease CU2015-0077.



  • Science and Technique Forum (Cuba). 科学与技术论坛(古巴)

  • Conference XV Anniversary of the Superior Agricultural Institute of Ciego de Avila (Cuba).谢戈德阿维拉省高级农业研究院第15届年会

  • III Meeting “Johannes Bisse in Memoriam “ (Cuba). 纪念Johannes Bisse第三届会议(古巴)

  • XIII Workshop of Autumn (Mexico, 1995). 13次秋季会议(墨西哥,1995

  • IV Symposium International on Cassava and Fruits (Brazil). 第四木薯和水果国际研讨会(巴西)

  • IX Latin - American Meeting on Phytopathology (Uruguay).第九届拉丁美洲植物病理学会(乌拉圭)

  • Biotechnology Havana’95 (Cuba). 95年哈瓦那生物技术会议(古巴)

  • IV Colloquy International on Vegetable Biotechnology (Cuba).第九届国际蔬菜生物技术会议(古巴)

  • Plant Biotechnology Meeting: BioVeg’97 (Cuba). 植物生物技术会议:97蔬菜生物技术(古巴)

  • III International Scientific Seminar of Plant Protection (Cuba). 第三届国际植物保护研讨会(古巴)

  • XI International Scientific Seminary of the National Institute of Agricultural Science (Cuba). 第十一届国际农业科学研究研讨会(古巴)

  • III Symposium International ANANAS (Thailand). 第三届国际菠萝研讨会(泰国)

  • III Latin - American Meeting on Plant Biotechnology. 第三届拉丁美洲植物生物技术会议

  • REDBIO’98 (Cuba).

  • Plant Biotechnology Meeting: BioVeg’99 (Cuba). 植物生物技术会议:99蔬菜生物技术(古巴)

  • Symposium International of Plant Biotechnology (Cuba).植物生物技术国际研讨会(古巴)

  • IV International Pineapple Symposium (Mexico). 第九届国际菠萝研讨会(墨西哥)

  • System Biology Workshop 2001 (Cuba). 系统生物学研讨会2001(古巴)

  • Biotechnology Havana 2002 (Cuba). 哈瓦那生物技术会议2002(古巴)

  • Plant Biotechnology Meeting: BioVeg’02 (Cuba). 植物生物技术会议:02蔬菜生物技术(古巴)

  • 13th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2003 (UK) 第十三届临床微生物学和传染病欧洲大会,2003

  • V International Scientific Seminar of Plant Protection (Cuba).第五届植物保护学会会议(古巴)

  • Symposium International of Plant Biotechnology, 2004 (República Dominicana). 植物生物技术国际研讨会,2004(多米尼加共和国)

  • The International Joint Workshop on PR-Proteins and Induced Resistance, 2004 (Denmark).关于PR-蛋白和诱导抗性国际联合研讨会2004(丹麦)

  • 44 Meeting of APS, Caribbean Division, 2004 Cuba    APS加勒比分会第44次会议,2004,古巴

  • Biotechnology Havana 2005 (Cuba).2005哈瓦那生物技术会议(古巴)

  • XLVI Annual Meeting American Phytopathology Society - Caribbean Division, Colombia. 2006美洲植物病理学会加勒比分会XLVI年会,哥伦比亚,2006

  • Plant Biotechnology Meeting: BioVeg’07 (Cuba).植物生物技术会议:07蔬菜生物技术(古巴)

  • XIII International Congress on Molecular Plant - Microbe Interaction. 第十三届国际分子植物-微生物互作会议

  • 2007 Biotechnology Havana 2008 (Cuba).2007年哈瓦那生物技术会议2008(古巴)


  • Biotechnology Havana 2011 (Cuba). 2010年哈瓦那生物技术会议(古巴)



  • Early selection of disease resistance (Cuba).抗病性的早期诊断(古巴)

  • Contamination on plant tissue culture (Cuba). 关于植物组织培养的污染问题(古巴)

  • Genetic and breeding of pineapple (FAO Programme). 菠萝遗传和育种(FAO计划)

  • Early selection of disease resistance produced by fungi (Brazil). 真菌病害抗病性的早期诊断(巴西)

  • Use of phytotoxins and elicitin to early selection of Fusarium wilt resistance in bananas (Brazil). Contamination on plant tissue culture (Jamaica).使用植物毒素和激素进行香蕉萎蔫病抗性的早期筛选(巴西)植物组织培养中的污染(牙买加)

  • Plant Functional Genomic (Cuba). 植物功能基因组学(古巴)

  • Investigation lines and main scientific results from Centre of Bioplants (Brazil). 来自于生物工厂中心的主要科技结论和在线调查(巴西)

  • Production of plant through tissue culture: present and future in Cuba (Uruguay). 通过组织培养进行植物生产:现在和未来(乌拉圭)

  • Molecular events involved during plant - pathogen interaction. (UK). 包括植物-病原互作在内的分子事件研究(英国)

  • Researches and main biotechnology product from Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (UK). 古巴基因工程与生物技术中心的研究情况和主要生物技术产品(英国)

  • Researches and main results from functional genomic lab: Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Netherlands). 古巴基因工程与生物技术中心功能基因组学实验室的研究情况和主要结果(荷兰)

  • Researches and main results from functional genomic lab: Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Switzerland). 古巴基因工程与生物技术中心功能基因组学实验室的研究情况和主要结果(瑞士)

  • Researches and main results from functional genomic lab: Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Japan). 古巴基因工程与生物技术中心功能基因组学实验室的研究情况和主要结果(日本)

  • Researches and main results from functional genomic lab: Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Italy).古巴基因工程与生物技术中心功能基因组学实验室的研究情况和主要结果(意大利)

  • Researches and main results from functional genomic lab: Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (EUA). 古巴基因工程与生物技术中心功能基因组学实验室的研究情况和主要结果(欧盟)

  • Researches and main results from functional genomic lab: Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Switzerland).古巴基因工程与生物技术中心功能基因组学实验室的研究情况和主要结果(瑞士)


  • Award of the Agriculture Minister (1995). 农业部奖励(1995

  • National Award of Sciences and Technique Forum (1997 and 2003). 国家科技论坛奖(19972003

  • National Award to Young Researcher (1995, 1997, 1999, 2001 and 2003). 国家青年科技奖(1995, 1997, 1999, 20012003

  • National Award of the Cuban Academy of Sciences (2000, 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013). 古巴科学院年度大2000, 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013

  • Award of the American Phytopathological Society (2009)美国植物病理学会奖(2009



  • Member of editorial board of Molecular Plant Microbe Interaction journal (2007-2009).分子植物-微生物相互作用杂志编委2007-2009

  • Member of editorial board of Biotecnología Aplicada journal. 生物技术应用杂志编委

  • Titular Member of Cuban Academic of Science古巴科学院院士