姓名 | 赵 林 | 性别 | 男 | |
籍贯 | 山东济南 | 出生年月 | 1982.02 | |
职称 | 教 授 | 政治面貌 | 中共党员 | |
专业 | 生物工程 | 职务 | 课题组负责人 | |
导师类别 | 硕士生导师 | 学历、学位 | 博士研究生 | |
主要学术兼职 | 中国医药教育协会中药制剂研发专业委员会委员; 中国生物发酵产业协会酵素专家委员会委员; 中国磷复肥工业协会标准委员会委员; 中国磷复肥工业协会助剂分会副主任委员; 山东省中药产业创新创业共同体专委会秘书长; 山东省化妆品协会专委会副主任委员; 山东省微生物学会科普工作委员会委员; | |||
课题组 | 农业与健康生物技术研究所 | |||
工作信息 | E-mail: sdilizhaolin@163.com 电话:13953107589 | |||
隶属单位 | 齐鲁工业大学生物工程学院 | |||
通讯地址 | 齐鲁工业大学工程训练中心205室 | |||
学习、工作简历: 2018.01 -至今 齐鲁工业大学 教 授 2014.01-2017.12 齐鲁工业大学 副教授 2009.07-2014.12 齐鲁工业大学 讲 师 2004.09-2009.07 山东大学 (硕博连读) 微生物学专业 2000.09-2004.07 山东大学 (学士) 生物技术专业 | ||||
主要研究方向: 1. 益生菌发酵转化药用植物及系列功能制品开发; 2. 食品、药品、化妆品用功能性原料开发及其作用机制分析; 3. 健康雾化功能制品开发及其作用机制分析; 4. 小分子糖、肽类植物免疫诱抗剂筛选与作用机制分析; 5. 生物基绿色农田投入品开发; 6. 工业废弃物二次利用技术开发。 | ||||
本硕授课课程: 本科课程《药物化学》、《环境生物技术》; 研究生课程《酶工程研究进展》
纵向课题: 1. 山东省泰山产业领军人才项目“海洋型复合植物免疫诱抗剂制备关键技术开发与应用(LJNY202015)”,主持; 2. 济南市泉城产业领军人才项目“功能性农产品生物转化关键技术开发与推广(2019042)”,主持; 3. 山东省重大创新工程项目“新型盐渍土快速改良生物技术与地力培肥绿色产品的研发与应用(2017CXGC0302)”,主持; 4. 山东省自然科学基金“新型埃博霉素类抗肿瘤化合物的设计、合成及活性评价(ZR2017BEM046)”,主持; 5. 山东省重点研发计划-科技攻关“新型多靶点缓释微胶囊杀线剂研究与开发(2016GGX107003)”,主持; 6. 山东省重点研发计划-重大专项-“精准施肥关键技术与专用装备的研究与示范(2016ZDJS08B01)”,技术负责人; 7. 山东省科技重大专项-产业升级“海洋食品加工废弃物资源化利用关键技术研究及示范”(2015ZDZX05001),技术负责人; 8. 山东省科技发展计划“新型多功能复合微生物肥料研究与应用” (2012YD11010),主持; 9. 齐鲁工业大学产学研协同创新基金项目“以药食同源为核心的益生菌发酵功能性制品制备关键技术开发与应用(2020KJC-YJ01)”,主持; 10. 齐鲁工业大学科教产融合创新试点工程项目“基于糖肽类生物基材料的植物免疫诱抗剂制备关键技术开发与应用(2020KJC-GH10)”,主持; 11. 科技部科技助力经济2020重点专项“常态化新冠肺炎疫情防控用中药免疫调节产品研发与转化应用(SQ2020YFF0401390)”,参与; 12. 齐鲁工业大学科教产融合创新试点工程项目“中西医结合的新冠肺炎辅助防控食品关键技术研究与产品开发(2020KJC-YJ01)”,参与; 13. 山东省重点研发计划-医用食品专项“海藻多糖-植物甾醇纳米脂质体的制备及其在脂肪酸代谢异常全营养医用食品中的应用研究(2019YYSP019)”,参与; 14. 山东省重点研发计划-科技特派员专项“生物偶联法定向制备寡聚褐藻糖胶关键技术的研究与应用(2019QYTPY024)”,参与; 15. 山东省重点研发计划-医用食品专项“炎性肠病全营养医用食品生物制备关键技术与评价体系的研究与应用(项目编号:2018YYSP022)”,参与; 16. 山东省重大创新工程“低聚物抗性糊精绿色制备新工艺研究与产业化(已立项,2018年)”,参与. 17. 山东省重大创新工程“现代果园生物关键技术与水肥精准施用体系的集成开发与应用(已立项,2018年)”,参与; 18. 山东省重点研发计划“海藻专用生物转化关键技术的研究与应用(已立项,2018年)”,参与; 19. 烟台市科技发展计划“海洋-聚氨基酸型专用肥料关键技术开发与应用(已立项,2018年)”,参与; 20. 山东省重大创新工程项目“设施蔬菜水肥精准施用关键技术研究与示范(2017CXGC0204)”,参与; 21. 山东省重点研发计划-医用食品专项“医用食品中海洋型营养素制备关键技术开发与应用(项目编号:2017YYSP029)”,参与; 22. 山东省重点研发计划-医用食品专项“稳定型全营养医用食品配方与制备关键技术开发(项目编号:2017YYSP010)”,参与; 23. 济南市科技发展计划“新型高效、保水、缓释农田投入品的开发与应用(已立项。2017)”,参与; 24. 山东省中小微企业创新创业大赛-海洋科技领域“海洋藻类资源生物炼制技术及新型校企融合成果转化模式研究与应用”, 参与; 25. 山东省重点研发计划 “新型产酶工业微生物菌株的综合改造关键技术研究与开发(2016ZDJSD7A18)”,参与; 26. 国家自然科学基金“食品用SiO2、TiO2、ZnO纳米材料对肠道益生菌及其菌群的影响(31501396)”,参与; 27. 山东省自主创新及成果转化-新兴产业专项“造纸新型酶微生物制造关键技术研究及应用示范”(2015ZDXX0403B01),参与; 28. 山东省自主创新及成果转化-新兴产业专项“新型高效生态安全海洋复合微生物肥料关键技术的研究与示范”(2015ZDXX0502B01),参与;
横向课题: 1. 以药食同源为核心的益生菌发酵功能制品关键制备技术开发,100万,主持,2020年; 2. 功能型电子烟油产品开发,50万,主持,2021年; 3. 绿色高效农业微生物助剂的集成开发与应用,50万,主持,2019年; 4. 黄瓜嫩肤系列化妆品开发,15万,主持,2017年; 5. 绿色环保型海洋生物肥料专用海藻中间体新型提取技术,80万,主持,2014年。
发表论文: 1. Ping Zhang#, Le Su#, Feifan Ma, Xiuyu Ji, Yue Su, Qiulin Yue, Chen Zhao, Song Zhang, Xin Sun, Zhao Lin*. Weilan gum oligosaccharide ameliorates dextran sulfate sodium‑induced experimental ulcerative colitis. Molecular Medicine Reports. 2021. 2. Le Su, Yue Su, Zaiyong An, Ping Zhang, Qiulin Yue, Chen Zhao, Xin Sun, Song Zhang, Xinli Liu, Kunlun Li, Lin Zhao*. Fermentation products of Danshen relieved dextran sulfate sodium-induced experimental ulcerative colitis in mice. Sci Rep. 2021; 3. Qiulin Yue, Zhongjian Wang, Chen Zhao, Kunlun Li, Le Su, Song Zhang, Xin Sun, Xinli Liu*, Lin Zhao*. Hypolipidemic effects of fermented seaweed extracts by saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2021. 4. Chen Zhao, Guanchu Ma, Lin Zhou, Song Zhang, Le Su, Xin Sun, Orlando Borras-Hidalgo, Kunlun Li, Qiulin Yue*, Lin Zhao*. Effects of nitrogen levels on gene expression and amino acid metabolism in welsh onion. BMC Genomics. 2021. 5. Zhao C, Wang Z, Cui R, Su L, Sun X, Borras-Hidalgo O, Li K, Wei J, Yue Q*, Zhao L*. Effects of nitrogen application on phytochemical component levels and anticancer and antioxidant activities of Allium fistulosum. PeerJ. 2021,10,7717. 6. Song ZHANG, Youdong ZHU, Haifeng NI, Qiulin YUE, Le SU, Xin SUN, Kunlun LI, Shutang LIU, Xinli LIU, Lin ZHAO*. The biocompatible soil amendment boosts the winter wheat yield and modulates soil microorganisms under saline-alkaline stress. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture. 2021. 7. Roxana Portieles, Hongli Xu, Qiulin Yue, Lin Zhao, Dening Zhang, Lihua Du, Xiangyou Gao, Jingyao Gao, Nayanci Portal Gonzalez, Ramon Santos Bermudez* & Orlando Borrás‑Hidalgo*. Heat‑killed endophytic bacterium induces robust plant defense responses against important pathogens. Sci Rep. 2021. 8. Chen Zhao, Jia Zhang, Qiulin Yue, Lin Zhao, Zhengyan Wu, Xin Zhang*. Itaconic acid–urea–acrylic acid copolymer as a novel water and nutrient retaining fertilizer. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 2021. 9. Kangjia Jiang, Minghan Zhao, Yuting Han, Le Su, Xinli Liu, Qiulin Yue, Song Zhang, Lin Zhao*. Functional oligosaccharides: the preparation methods and therapy mechanism related to inflammatory bowel disease. BEBI. 2021. 10. Xueyang Tang, Chen Zhao, Kunlun Li, Le Su*, Lin Zhao*. Protective effect of polyphenols on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. CAIH. 2021 11. Fupeng Yu, Chen Zhao, Kunlun Li, Le Su, Song Zhang, Qiulin Yue*, Lin Zhao*. Salt-tolerant mechanism and application of salt-tolerant bacteria. GRET. 2021. 12. Ping Zhang,Le Su, Yue Su , Xiuyu Ji, Qiulin Yue, Chen Zhao, Song Zhang, Xin Sun, Lin Zhao*. The therapeutic effects in Inflammatory Bowel Disease of Functional oligosaccharide combined with probiotic. ICITBE. 2021. 13. Xueyang Tang, Chen Zhao, Kunlun Li, Le Su, Lin Zhao*. Protective effect of polyphenols on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. CAIH. 2021. 14. Guanchu Ma, Chen Zhao, Kunlun Li, Le Su, Song Zhang, Qiulin Yue*, Lin Zhao*. A review: Advances in algae instrumental enzymes-alginate lyase. CAIH. 2021. 15. 刘咏轩,马冠初,赵林,姜康佳,孙欣,岳秋林*.海藻中生物活性物质对糖尿病的影响. 齐鲁工业大学学报. 2021. 16. 马冠初,赵晨,倪海峰,岳秋林,李昆仑,赵林*. 海藻酸裂解酶研究进展. 中国磷复肥工业协会会刊. 2021. 17. Zaiyong An, Zhimin Zhao, Lin Zhao, Qiulin Yue, Kunlun Li, Baoxiang Zhao, Junying Miao, Le Su*. The novel HOCl fluorescent probe CAN induced A549 apoptosis by inhibiting chlorination activity of MPO. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2020. 18. Zhaochen, Haifeng Ni, Lin Zhao, Lin Zhou, Orlando Borrás‑Hidalgo, Rongzong Cui. High nitrogen concentration alter microbial community in Allium fistulosum rhizosphere. 2020. 19. 倪海峰, 朱尤东,刘树堂,李昆仑,卢振宇,赵林*. 保水剂及有机酸土壤调理剂对盐碱地的改良效果及小麦产量的影响. 山东农业科学. 2020. 20. Yue Su, Zhongjian Wang, Kunlun Li, Lin Zhao*. Anticancery Activity In Vitro Polysaccharides Fermented from Brown Algae. Materials Science and Engineering. 2019. 21. Haifeng Ni, Youdong Zhu, Qiulin Yue, Kunlun Li, Lin Zhao, Cun Ma, Cong Nie. Effects of Different Activation Processes of Humic Acids on the Growth of Oilseed Rape. FBB. 2019. 22. Zhongjian Wang, Yue Su, Kunlun Li, Lin Zhao and Xinli Liu*. Hypolipidemic Effects of Polysaccharides from Fermented Seaweed. GEMFE. 2019. 23. Lingxia Xu, Kunlun Li, Yan Liang, Lin Zhao*. Screening and Evaluation of the Biodegradation of Glass Fiber by Bacillus Mucilaginosus. Advances in Biological Sciences Research. BBBS, 2018. 24. Lin Zhou, Qiulin Yue, Lin Zhao*, Rongzong Cui, Xinli Liu. Effect of Nitrogen Level on Growth and Metabolism of Allium fistulosum L. Advances in Engineering Research. ICEESD, 2018. 25. Lin Zhou, Qiulin Yue*, Rongzong Cui, Lin Zhao, Lingxia Xu, Xinli Liu. Effect of Nitrogen Level on Trace Elements of Allium fistulosum L. ICEESD, 2018. 26. Jian Cao, Kun-lun Li, Xin-li Liu and Lin Zhao*. Solid-state Fermentation Technology of Paecilomyces lilacinus and Development of Agricultural Biocontrol Agent Based on Agricultural Waste Resources, Computer Science and Engineering, 2017. 27. Wei-jiao Zhang, Jian Cao, Kun-lun Li, Xin Sun, Xin-li Liu and Lin Zhao*. Isolation and screening of tylosin-degrading microorganisms and analysis on the effect of dregs degradation. Computer Science and Engineering, 2017. 28. Liqun Cao, Orlando Borrás-Hidalgo, Xinli Liu, Lingxia Xu, Lin Zhou, Xin Sun, Lin Zhao*. Screening of seaweed degradation microorganism and its agricultural application. Computer Science and Engineering, 2017. 29. Dong Ma, Kunlun Li, Lin Zhao and Xin-li Liu*. Optimization of solid-state fermentation process and development of biocontrol agent based on cassava residue from Streptomyces microflavus. Computer Science and Engineering, 2017. 30. Song Li, Jian Cao, Kun-lun Li, Lin Zhao and Xin-li Liu*. Study on the stability of polyglutamic acid fermentation broth for agricultural use. Computer Science and Engineering, 2017. 31. Jinzhao Liu, Lin Zhao, Xin Sun, Xinli Liu*. Optimization of solid fermentation process of Bacillus megaterium and its application in crop growth. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2016. 32. Jun Yu, Lin Zhao, Song Li, Xin Sun, Xinli Liu. Research on γ-polyglutamic acid fermentation with extract from waste beer yeast. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2016. 33. Linhao Zhang, Lin Zhao, Xin Sun, Xinli Liu. Analysis and Application of the Promotion Action of Methanol on Sorangium Cellulosum Produce Epothilones. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2016. 34. Meng Zhang, Lin Zhao, Xin Sun, Xinli Liu. Screening of microbial with the ability of epothilones biotransformation. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2016. 35. Ning Zhou, Lin Zhao, Xin Sun, Xinli Liu. Isolation, screening and evaluation of potential biocontrol endophytes against Ralstonia solanacearum on ginger. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2016. 36. DeFei Liu, Lin Zhao, YuZhen Gao, HaiXia Ren and XinLi Liu Conversion of furfural residue to biofertilizer usingBacillus subtilisL7 by solid-state fermentation method. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2015, 7(3): 2491-2496. (并列第一作者) 37. Ruicheng Sun, Lin Zhao, Jikun Yang, Naiqiang Wang, Xinli Liu. Application of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers in Purification and Separation for Epothilones. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 2015 33:571-580. (并列第一作者) 38. Can Li, Lin Zhao, Xiaona Wang, Qiang Ren, Xinli Liu. The Extraction and Regeneration of Resin XAD-16 in the Purification of Epothilones. Advances in Applied Biotechnology Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 2015 332: 469-477 39. Shu-guang Li, Lin Zhao, Kui Han, Peng-fei Li, Zhi-feng Li, Wei Hu, Hong Liu, Zhi-hong Wu and Yue-zhong Li. Diversity of epothilone producers among Sorangium strains in producer-positive soil habitats. Microbial biotechnology. 2014 7: 130-141. (并列第一作者) 3.513 40. Lin Zhao, Sun Xin, Yawei Li, Haiyan Gao, Qiang Ren, Yongwei Hao, Song Zhang, Xinli Liu. Rapid and specific method to screen epothilone high-producing strain with spectrometry and its application. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2014 249:63-70. 41. Jikun Yang, Lin Zhao, Ruicheng Sun, Yuemao Shen, Naiqiang Wang, Xinli Liu. Purification of Epothilones A and B with Column Chromatography on a Sephadex LH-20. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 904: 164-169. (并列第一作者) 42. Peng-fei Li, Shu-guang Li, Zhi-feng Li, Lin Zhao, Ting Wang, Hong-wei Pan, Hong Liu, Zhi-hong Wu & Yue-zhong Li. Co-cultivation of Sorangium cellulosum strains affects cellular growth and biosynthesis of secondary metabolite epothilones. FEMS Microbioogy Ecology. 2013 85:358-368. 3.720 43. Lin Zhao, Hai-yan Gao, Ya-Wei Li, Zhen Lu, Xin Sun, Song Zhang, Xin-li Liu. Improving the production of epothilones by precursors addition based on metabolic pathway analysis. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2013 249:53-62. 44. Chunhua Lu, Lin Zhao, Yuezhong Li, Yuemao Shen. Four natural epothilone derivatives isolated from Sorangium cellulosum strain So01572. Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences 2013 22 : 28-31. 45. Yawei Li, Lin Zhao, Yongwei Hao, Xiuli Tang, Jikun Yang, Yuzhen Gao, Xinli Liu. Screening and identification of interspecies microorganism inducing overproduction of epothilones in Sorangium cellulosum. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2013, 10: 137-141 46. Lin Zhao, Pengfei Li, Chunhua Lu, Shuguang Li, Yuemao Shen and Yuezhong Li. Glycosylation and production characteristics of epothilones in alkali-tolerant Sorangium cellulosum strain So0157-2. The Journal of Microbiology. 2010 48(4): 438-444. 47. Lin Zhao, Jilin Dai, Jiayi Wang, Yawei Li and Xinli Liu. Analysis of the extraction effects of epothilones with different organic solvents. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 343-344: 958-962. 48. Ting Wang, Lin Zhao, Xinli Liu. Studies on the Adsorption of Epothilones with Different Kinds of Resins. CET (Indexed by EI). 2011. 49. Nan Tian, Lin Zhao, Xinli Liu. Optimization of Medium for Heat-Stable Antifungal Factor (HSAF) Prodution by Lysobacter enzymogenes Strain C3 Using Response Surface Methodology. the 2011 World Congress on Engineering and Technology. CET 2011. 50. Xin-li Liu, Lin Zhao, Wei Hu, Yue-zhong Li. Design and Optimization of Specific Airlift Fermentor for Producing Epothilones by Sorangium cellulosum. CMBB 2010,(4):540-543. 51. Xin-li Liu, Lin Zhao, Wei Hu, Yue-zhong Li. Morphogenesis-associated /dissociated production of epothilone in wild Sorangium cellulosum strains. Advanced Material Research, 2011, 2:67-70. 52. De-Ming Jiang, Lin Zhao, Cui-Ying Zhang, Jian Li, Zhi-Jie Xia, Jing Wang, Zhi-Hong Wu and Yue-Zhong Li.Taxonomic analysis of Sorangium strains based on HSP60 and 16S rRNA gene sequences and morphology. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2008, 58: 2654-2659. 53. 高玉振,赵林,刘德飞,刘新利. 胶质芽孢杆菌对重金属Cr (VI)的吸附. 河南科技大学学报. 2015, 36(4): 78-81. 54. 李灿,赵林,王晓娜,任强,刘新利.不同树脂对埃博霉素的吸附研究实验. 齐鲁工业大学学报. 2014. 55. 李灿,赵林,王晓娜,任强,和富明,刘新利. 树脂D202对埃博霉素发酵产量的影响. 食品与药品. 2014. 56. 王晓娜,赵林,李灿,任强,刘新利. 不同破壁方法对丙酮酸激酶活性的影响. 食品与药品,2014. 57. 王晓娜,赵林,李灿,任强,刘新利. 丙酮酸激酶M2抑制剂研究进展. 齐鲁工业大学学报,2014. 58. 刘跃,张红蕊,赵林,刘新利. 纤维堆囊菌发酵所用消泡剂的筛选. 齐鲁工业大学学报 2014 28(1):5-8. 59. 刘跃,张红蕊,赵林,刘新利. 消泡剂在发酵工业中的应用. 齐鲁工业大学学报 2014 28(2):37-40. 60. 任强,赵林,刘新利. 头孢菌素发酵过程中豆油酶解条件的优化. 食品与药品,2014. 61. 任强,赵林,王晓娜,李灿,刘新利. 头孢菌素发酵过程中植物油作用机理的研究. 齐鲁工业大学学报 2014. 62. 刘雪蕊,赵林,刘新利. 乙醇与二甲基亚砜对纤维堆囊菌的毒性研究.中国化工贸易2014; 63. 刘雪蕊,赵林,刘新利. 纤维堆囊菌接种量对埃博霉素产量的影响 齐鲁工业大学学报 2014. 64. 李亚伟,赵林,郝永伟,唐秀丽,杨继坤,高玉振,刘新利.诱导纤维堆囊菌高产埃博霉素的种间微生物筛选及鉴定. 生物技术通报 2013. 65. 陆 震,刘新利,赵高海燕,李亚伟.埃博霉素A和埃博霉素B协同抑瘤作用研究. 山东-河北微生物学会年会论文集,2011:26. 66. 李世旭,赵林,秦春晶,刘新利. S-腺苷甲硫氨酸合成酶对埃博霉素生物合成的影响. 微生物学通报,2013, 12. 67. 陆震,戴秀君,孟国庆,赵林,刘新利. 抗生素生产菌株的推理选育研究进展. 中国抗生素杂志. 2011. 68. 孟国庆,陆震,赵林,刘新利. 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专著情况 1.《药物微生物技术》化学工业出版社,2004,参编; 2.《食品微生物学》郑州大学出版社,2010,编委; 3.《食品微生物检验》郑州大学出版社,2011,编委。 | ||||
获奖情况 1.医药级L-精氨酸清洁生产新工艺研究与开发。(2015年山东省科技进步二等奖); 2.医药级L-精氨酸清洁生产新工艺研究与开发。(2014年临沂市科技进步一等奖); 3.纤维堆囊菌生产埃博霉素的工艺研究。(2011年山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖二等奖; | ||||
主要称号和荣誉 1. 山东省泰山产业领军人才(2019); 2. 济南市泉城产业领军人才(2019) 3. 临沂市经济技术开发区十大科技领军人物(2018); | ||||
社会兼职情况 1. 济南航晨生物科技有限公司 技术总监; 2. 山东宝源生物科技股份有限公司 研发工程师; |