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手机:15662659291;   邮箱:zhel@sdas.org; arthur02@163.com






2003.09-2007.07:  山东农业大学   生物工程/英语  工学学士/文学学士

2007.09-2012.07:  华南师范大学  生物光子学研究院激光生命科学教育部重点实验室

生物物理学     理学博士

2013.01-2016.01: 山东省科学院  生物技术研究中心 助理研究员

2016.02-2018.05: 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境化学与生态毒理学国家重点实验室

环境科学与工程   博士后

2018.09-至今:    山东省科学院生物研究所   助理研究员


  1. 植物-微生物互作机理及微生物有机肥料开发

  2. 微生物生物质降解机制的解析及底盘菌株的开发

  3. 表观遗传修饰修饰在逆境生理及次级代谢中的生物效应及机制










 济南市高校院所创新团队项目 (2019GXRC033)(子课题主持)




 日照市科技创新专项项目 (2019CXZX2205)






 山东省科技重大专项(重大关键技术) 项目(2015ZDJS03002)






国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划) 课题(2011AA10A205)


国家国际科技合作项目 (2011DFA30990)




国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划) 课题(2007AA10Z204)



  1. Li Zhe, Wang Hailing. DNA N6-methyladenine modification: a new role for epigenetic silencing in mammalian. National Science Review2016, DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nww052. (SCI indexed, IF 13.222, 一区,TOP)

  2. Li Zhe, Lyu Cong, Ren Yun, Wang Hailin. Role of TET dioxygenases and DNA Hydroxymethylation in Bisphenols-stimulated Proliferation of Breast Cancer Cells. Environmental Health Perspectives 2020, 128 (2), DOI 10.1289/EHP5862. (SCI indexed, IF 9.990, 一区,TOP)

  3. Li Zhe, Yue Haiyun, Xing Da. MAP Kinase 6 mediated activation of vacuolar processing enzyme modulates heat shock-induced programmed cell death in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 2012, 195 (1): 85–96. (SCI indexed, IF 7.299, 一区,TOP)

  4. Zhong Shangwei, Li Zhe, Jiang Ting, Li Xiangjun, Wang Hailin. An immunofluorescence imaging strategy for evaluation of the accessibility of DNA 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in chromatins. Analytical Chemistry 2017, 89 (11): 5702–5706. (SCI indexed, IF 6.350, 一区,TOP)

  5. Ye Yun, Li Zhe, Xing Da. Nitric oxide promotes MPK6-mediated caspase-3-like activation in cadmium-induced Arabidopsis thaliana programmed cell death. Plant Cell & Environment 2012, 36 (1): 1–15. (SCI indexed, IF 5.624, 一区,TOP)

  6. Li Zhe, Xing Da. Mechanistic study of mitochondria-dependent programmed cell death induced by aluminum phytotoxicity using fluorescence techniques. Journal of Experimental Botany 2011, 62 (1): 331–343. (SCI indexed, IF 5.360, 一区,TOP)

  7. Liu Jian#,Li Zhe#, Wang Yongqiang, Xing Da. Over-expression of ALTERNATIVE OXIDASE1a alleviates mitochondria-dependent programmed cell death induced by aluminium phytotoxicity in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany 2014, 65 (15): 4465–4478. (SCI indexed, IF 5.360, 一区,TOP) (# Co-first author)

  8. Li Zhe, Xing Fuqiang, Xing Da. Characterization of target site of aluminum phytotoxicity in photosynthetic electron transport by fluorescence techniques in tobacco leaves. Plant & Cell Physiology2012, 53 (7): 1295–1309. (SCI indexed, IF 3.929, 二区)

  9. Kai Guo#, Yonghui Sui#, Zhe Li#*, Yanhua Huang, Hao Zhang, Wenwen Wang. Colonization of Trichoderma viride Tv-1511 in peppermint (Mentha × piperita L.) roots promotes essential oil production by triggering ROS-mediated MAPK activation. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2020.03.042.(SCI indexed, IF 3.404, 二区) (*Corresponding author) (# Co-first author)

  10. Li Zhe*, Yang Hetong, Wu Xiaoqing, Guo Kai, Li Jishun. Some aspects of salinity responses in peppermint (Mentha × piperita L.) to NaCl treatment. Protoplasma 2015,252 (3): 885–899. (SCI indexed, IF 2.633, 三区) (*Corresponding author)

  11. Li Zhe*, Zhen Zhen, Guo Kai, Paul Harvey, Li Jishun, Yang Hetong. MAPK-mediated enhanced expression of vacuolar H+-ATPase confers the improved adaption to NaCl stress in a halotolerate peppermint (Mentha piperita L.). Protoplasma 2016,253 (2): 553–569. (SCI indexed, IF 2.633, 三区) (*Corresponding author)

  12. Li Zhe#*, Wang Wenwen#, Li Guilong, Guo Kai, Paul Harvey, Chen Quan, Zhao Zhongjuan, Wei Yanli, Li Jishun, Yang Hetong. MAPK-mediated regulation of growth and essential oil composition in a salt-tolerant peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) under NaCl stress. Protoplasma 2016, 253 (6): 1541–1556. (SCI indexed, IF 2.633, 三区) (Corresponding author) (# Co-first author)

  13. Guo Kai#,Sui Yonghui#, Li Zhe#*, Huang Yanhua, Zhang Hao. Trichoderma viride Tv-1511 colonizes Arabidopsis leaves and promotes Arabidopsis growth by modulating the MAP kinase 6-mediated activation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s00344-019-10063-6.(SCI indexed, IF 2.179, 三区) (# Co-first author, *Corresponding author)

  14. Xing Fuqiang, Li Zhe, Sun Aizhen, Xing Da. Reactive oxygen species promote chloroplast dysfunction and salicylic acid accumulation in fumonisin B1-induced cell death. FEBS Letters 2013, 587: 2164–2172. (SCI indexed, IF 2.675, 三区)

  15. Li Zhe, Xing Da. Mitochondrial pathway leading to programmed cell death induced by aluminum phytotoxicity in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 2010, 5: 1–3.(SCI indexed, IF 1.644, 四区)

  16. Sun Aizhen, Li Zhe*. Regulatory role of nitric oxide in lipopolysaccharides-triggered plant innate immunity. Plant Signaling & Behavior 2012, 160: 1681–1683.(SCI indexed, IF 1.644, 四区) (*Corresponding author)

  17. Yue Haiyun, Li Zhe, Xing Da. Roles of Arabidopsis bax inhibitor-1 indelaying methyl jasmonate-induced leaf senescence. Plant Signaling & Behavior 2012, 7 (11): 1488–1489.(SCI indexed, IF 1.644, 四区)

  18. Ye Yun, Li Zhe, Xing Da. Sorting out the role of nitric oxide in cadmium-induced Arabidopsis thaliana programmed cell death. Plant Signaling & Behavior 2012, 7 (11): 1493–1494.(SCI indexed, IF 1.644, 四区)

  19. Yu Yang, Yang Zijun, Guo Kai,Li Zhe, Zhou Hongzi, Wei Yanli, Li Jishun, Zhang Xinjian, Paul R. Harvey, Yang Hetong. Oxidative damage induced by heat stress could be relieved by nitric oxide in Trichoderma harzianum LTR-2. Current Microbiology2015, 70 (4): 618–622.(SCI indexed, IF 1.595, 四区)

  20. Li Zhe, Zhang Lingrui. Oxidative stress-dependent alteration of organelle morphology in aluminum treated-Arabidopsis leaves. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2009IEEE.(EI indexed)

  21. Li Zhe, Guo Kai, Wu Xiaoqing, Wang Wenwen, Li Jishun, Paul Harvey, Yang Hetong. Effects of Trichoderma harzianum LTR-2 on the salt tolerance and essential oil production of peppermint (Mentha × piperita L.). 2014, P43, in "TG2014 Programme and Abstract, the 13th International Trichoderma and Gliocladium Workshop". (EI indexed)

  22. Liu Jian, Li Zhe, Xing Da. Detection of alternative oxidase expression in Arabidopsis thaliana protoplasts treated with aluminum. Bio-protocol 2015, Volume 5, Issue 13.

  23. 李哲,吴晓青,魏艳丽,李纪顺,杨合同. NaCl胁迫对椒样薄荷生长剂抗氧化系统的影响. 广东农业科学, 2014, 41 (3): 4651. (中文核心期刊)

  24. 李哲,郭凯,胡雪艳,王雯雯,魏艳丽,李纪顺,杨合同. 气相色谱质谱法评价NaCl胁迫对椒样薄荷精油产量和品质的影响. 环境化学, 2014, 33 (10): 1–4. (中文核心期刊)

  25. 李哲,郭凯,李兆华,王雯雯,陈泉,李纪顺,杨合同. 气相色谱质谱法评价保水剂对盐地种植椒样薄荷精油产量及品质的影响. 环境化学, 2015, 34 (2): 392–395. (中文核心期刊)

  26. 李哲, 邢达. 光学无损分析技术在植物铝毒性研究中的应用. 激光生物学报, 2009, 18: 161–169.

  27. 李哲,吴晓青,赵晓燕,魏艳丽,李纪顺,杨合同. NaCl胁迫对椒样薄荷光合作用和PSII光化学活性的影响. 山东科学, 2014, 27 (1): 2733.

  28. 李哲,郭凯,吴晓青,陈泉,李纪顺,杨合同. 哈茨木霉LTR-2对椒样薄荷耐盐生理特性的影响. 山东科学, 2014, 27 (4): 8593.

  29. 曾礼漳,李哲*. 植物光诱导延迟荧光测量的影响因素研究.激光生物学报, 2012, 3: 263267. (*Corresponding author)

  30. 周俊, 孙爱珍, 曾礼漳,李哲*. 硫胺素通过提高线粒体氧化状态促进植物快速响应外界胁迫的研究.激光生物学报, 2012, 4: 340–345. (*Corresponding author)

  31. 郭凯, 许征宇, 曲乐, 赵晓燕, 李纪顺, 魏艳丽, 李哲, 杨合同. 黄河三角洲高等抗盐植物资源. 安徽农业科学, 2013, 41: 10463–10466.

  32. 王贻莲, 陈凯, 李哲, 吴远征, 郭凯, 李纪顺, 杨合同. 越南伯克霍尔德氏菌B418杀线虫活性产物的分离鉴定. 植物保护, 2014, 40: 6569. (中文核心期刊)

  33. 陈泉, 扈进冬, 李哲, 郭凯, 李纪顺, 杨合同. 重组大肠杆菌利用乳糖自诱导系统融合表达天蚕素AD和蛙Buforin II. 科学工程与技术, 2014, 14 (4): 179182. (中文核心期刊)

  34. 张广志张新建李成云李红梅李哲杨合同木霉属7个中国新纪录种菌物学报, 2016, 35(3): 1-10. (中文核心期刊)

  35. 赵忠娟,魏艳丽,李哲,吴晓青,李纪顺,杨合同. 野大豆与栽培大豆愈伤组织耐盐性比较. 山东科学, 2015, 28 (1): 102–108.

  36. 赵晓燕,吴晓青,李哲,赵忠娟,陈泉,陈凯,李纪顺,杨合同. 13个省、自治区滩涂湿地木霉菌分布初探. 山东科学, 2015, 28 (3): 34–38.


  1. 赵忠娟; 魏艳丽; 李纪顺; 杨合同; 李哲; 一种椒样薄荷的综合利用方法, 2014-06-09, 中国, ZL201410251521.4

  2. 郭凯; 黄艳华; 李哲; 郝永任; 隋永辉; 张豪; 一种绿色木霉菌、菌剂、生物肥及应用, 2020-01-13, 中国, ZL201910626525.9

  3. 李哲; 郭凯; 黄艳华; 郝永任; 隋永辉; 张豪; 一种绿色木霉组蛋白乙酰化酶编码基因TvGCN5及其应用, 2020-04-27, 中国, ZL202010345621.9